Community Action Teams

We are excited to announce the launching of three Community Action Teams (CAT) for each area, in partnership with Alcohol Justice (the Canal), the Marin County Cooperation Team (Marin City), and West Marin Community Services/San Geronimo Valley Community Center (West Marin).

Black Lives Matter

HEAL Statement on on Black Lives Matter and Racial Equity

Do You Receive SSI?

You Can Also Get CalFresh Benefits!

24% of children in Marin have limited or uncertain access to adequate food/nutrition.

FACT: African Americans and Latinos are twice as likely to have limited and uncertain access to adequate and healthy food as compared to their white counterparts.

The Marin County HEAL Collaborative’s goal is to advance our shared priority of advancing work that supports community empowerment (control over decision-making processes, self-determination, community leadership, etc.) within the local food system and promotes leadership from low-income Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.

Community Action Teams

a map of west marin

West Marin

West Marin encompasses Bolinas, Point Reyes Station, Olema, Stinson Beach, Bolinas, Tomales, Dillon Beach, Inverness, and the San Geronimo Valley.

a map of the San Rafael area / Marin


A community located within the City of San Rafael.
a map of Marin City

Marin City

An unincorporated community in Southern Marin.

MarinHEAL News

Upcoming Events – October

Upcoming Events – October

Training & Technical Assistance Trauma Basics and the Relationship to Nourishment Tuesday, October 29, 9-10:30 AM: This 90-minute interactive webinar will introduce how trauma and adversity impact nutritional health, eating habits, and our relationship to food....

Marin City Job & Resource Fair 2019

Marin City Job & Resource Fair 2019

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 3:30 PM - 7:00 PM MARIN GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER 100 DONAHUE STREET, MARIN CITY CALIFORNIA 94965 Choose the Right Job / Find Needed Resources Drop by and meet employers who are hiring.Access free resources and get help to prepare for your...

Built Environment – June 2019 Newsletter

Built Environment – June 2019 Newsletter

Marin City Intergenerational Garden Preps for Summer Recreation Program In preparation for the Marin City Summer Rec. Program, Mt. Tamalpais High School student volunteers helped clear last year’s container gardens and compiled the used soil to be fertilized for...

FoodNow – June 2019 Newsletter

FoodNow – June 2019 Newsletter

Healthy Food and Beverage Standards Adopted Supporting our community in setting healthy food and beverage standards is key to ensuring our clients are receiving healthy meals.  The Taskforce has adopted healthy food and beverage standards and will be hosting...

CalFresh – June 2019 Newsletter

CalFresh – June 2019 Newsletter

Resolution Declaring May as CalFresh Awareness Month Adopted Marin County Board of Superviors adopted a resolution proclaiming May as CalFresh Awareness Month on May 21, 2019. D’Angelo Paillet, Calfresh Program Manager presented to the board, highlighting the CalFresh...

Steering Committee – June 2019 Update

May is an exciting time of year as we begin celebrating the arrival of early season blueberries, cherries and stone fruit in our local food system. May is also a reminder of our community members who lack access to healthy food, and the importance of nutrition benefit...

MARIN HEAL  20 N. San Pedro Road, Suite 2020   San Rafael, CA 94903