Steering Committee – June 2019 Update

by | Jun 15, 2019 | Steering Committee | 0 comments

May is an exciting time of year as we begin celebrating the arrival of early season blueberries, cherries and stone fruit in our local food system. May is also a reminder of our community members who lack access to healthy food, and the importance of nutrition benefit programs like CalFresh. Many community groups across Marin observed CalFresh Awareness Month to increase recognition by community members, service providers, and policy makers (read on for more information). 

At our Steering Committee meeting on June 17th, we reviewed some of the most recent data on Missing Meals in Marin. We heard from Chris Wimer, PhD, who was the lead researcher on the study of Missing Meals in San Francisco and Marin conducted on behalf of the SF-Marin Food Bank. We also reflected on the results of our Wilder Collaboration Factors Inventory related to our success as a Collaborative and will identify opportunities for change and growth. We’re grateful for all of the leadership and foundation that Reba Meigs created for us to shape our future success as a Committee.

Lastly, I hope you’ll join me and my team at the Agricultural Institute of Marin (AIM), at the new San Rafael Summer Market series from June 13-September 26, on 4th Street between A Street and Lootens, in downtown San Rafael. This community event and farmers market will feature local produce, hot foods, artisans, music, and children’s activities all summer long. We accept CalFresh/EBT, WIC & Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program benefits, and offer a Market Match of $10 for free fruits and vegetables.

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Want to find out more about the work of the HEAL Collaborative?

Contact our Nutrition & Wellness Program Team:

HEAL Collaborative / Steering Committee
Elaini Negussie |
Nutrition & Wellness Program Manager

Canal Community Action Team
Jesica Rodriguez |
Food Security Program Coordinator

Marin City Community Action Team
Daeja Tillis |
Senior Program Coordinator

West Marin Community Action Team
Jesica Rodriguez |
Food Security Program Coordinator