HEAL Collaborative Steering Committee Spotlight

HEAL Collaborative Steering Committee Spotlight

Our Steering Committee has gone through a transition as we shifted our focus from addressing missing meals in Marin to promoting food equity through a community-driven food system. Our new governing principles have identified 12 seats for our Steering Committee, of...

Steering Committee – June 2019 Update

May is an exciting time of year as we begin celebrating the arrival of early season blueberries, cherries and stone fruit in our local food system. May is also a reminder of our community members who lack access to healthy food, and the importance of nutrition benefit...

Steering Committee – March 2019 Update

We are excited to welcome Andy Naja-Reese, new CEO of Agricultural Institute of Marin as chair and Dr. Tracey Hessel from Marin Community Clinics as co-chair of the HEAL Steering Committee.  Even though Andy is new to HEAL, he brings a wealth of knowledge and...

Steering Committee – November 2018 Update

We are thrilled to finally launch our first Marin HEAL newsletter.  Quarterly we will feature steering committee and taskforce updates including outcomes, work in progress and call to actions. We will highlight training and technical assistance, funding announcements,...