Community Action Teams

We are excited to announce the launching of three Community Action Teams (CAT) for each area, in partnership with Alcohol Justice (the Canal), the Marin County Cooperation Team (Marin City), and West Marin Community Services/San Geronimo Valley Community Center (West Marin).

Black Lives Matter

HEAL Statement on on Black Lives Matter and Racial Equity

Do You Receive SSI?

You Can Also Get CalFresh Benefits!

24% of children in Marin have limited or uncertain access to adequate food/nutrition.

FACT: African Americans and Latinos are twice as likely to have limited and uncertain access to adequate and healthy food as compared to their white counterparts.

The Marin County HEAL Collaborative’s goal is to advance our shared priority of advancing work that supports community empowerment (control over decision-making processes, self-determination, community leadership, etc.) within the local food system and promotes leadership from low-income Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities.

Community Action Teams

a map of west marin

West Marin

West Marin encompasses Bolinas, Point Reyes Station, Olema, Stinson Beach, Bolinas, Tomales, Dillon Beach, Inverness, and the San Geronimo Valley.

a map of the San Rafael area / Marin


A community located within the City of San Rafael.
a map of Marin City

Marin City

An unincorporated community in Southern Marin.

MarinHEAL News

CalFresh – November 2018 Newsletter

Expanding Free School Meal Opportunities Congratulations to the San Rafael City School District for increasing the district’s direct certifications! Due to dual enrollment activities, all students at all four elementary schools are eligible for free breakfast and...

Steering Committee – November 2018 Update

We are thrilled to finally launch our first Marin HEAL newsletter.  Quarterly we will feature steering committee and taskforce updates including outcomes, work in progress and call to actions. We will highlight training and technical assistance, funding announcements,...

MARIN HEAL  20 N. San Pedro Road, Suite 2020   San Rafael, CA 94903